I’ve mentioned before how many “diets” I’ve done in my life (if you’re new here, suffice it to say, it’s all of them). And for most of them, I can remember when I first heard about them and feeling as though I’d finally found “the answer”. I remember that rush of excitement and motivation and [...]
Hindsight is 20/20
When I was little, every couple years my mom would save up and buy us tickets to the theatre. She would buy the tickets well in advance and then put it on the calendar and we would countdown to the day we got to go. Then when the day came we would dress up really [...]
I’m going to start this post with a seemingly off topic story about how I got together, twice, with my husband – that I promise actually has a point that is not off topic. I met my now husband, Andrew, when I was 17 and he was 18. He had a girlfriend, I was the […]
So the honest truth is, I am a nerd. I can’t go to sleep at night without reading. My happy place (other than the gym or my kitchen) is the bookstore. I get excited when I spend hours organizing drawers and cupboards and will describe the end result as “so pretty!” I’d rather watch a [...]
One of the most common questions I get from people is if I ever have days when I don’t want to do it, both related to exercise and to food. When I tell them that YES, totally there are days I feel like I’d give a limb to be able to lounge around instead of [...]
Over the past few months I’ve talked a lot about my parents and how fortunate I am that I have four parents and not just two. This week that sentiment was reiterated as we laid one of my grandfathers (my step-dad’s father) to rest. He passed away six months ago but due to lockdowns we [...]
You may recall a little while ago I wrote about advice that’s stuck with me from each of my parents. One of my Mom's pieces of advice was that life is full of peaks and valleys and that when you’re on top of the hill you should remember how far you’ve come and when you’re [...]
For the vast majority of my life I’ve been a ‘helper’; if someone has a problem I tend to throw all my energy into supporting them and doing whatever I can to repair the damage. I like for people to feel good and I guess it made me feel useful and, if I’m being honest, [...]
Well here we are in September again at another start of a school year. It seems like Easter was a few weeks ago but I guess time flies when you’re in the midst of a global pandemic. The start of school is always conflicting for me, on one hand I loved school; I love to [...]
Do you have things that you do regularly but you have no idea why you do it that way other than “this is how my mom/dad/grandparent taught me”? I think a lot of us think that the way we do things is how EVERYONE does things because that might be all we know…our parents teach [...]